Friday, December 31, 2010


I know a magic lady. She doesn’t know card tricks or saw people in half. She’s magic in a better way. She’s not perfect- oh, no no. She has flaws like all of us; Often she’s rushed, will sometimes be late, and has had to eat standing up on occasion. She’s magic in the way that makes the world a nicer place in an instant. She, without effort, brightens a room, calms fear and takes away doubt. She’s never condescending or hurtful but manages to be wry and witty without even a mere scratch to others’ feelings.
When confronted with the evidence and coerced to give an explanation of these facts, she modestly insisted that it was others around her that gave her her strength and enlightenment (of course she’d be modest!). She recalls that this empathy started early and by example. She tells a story of being in Kindergarten and wetting her pants while sitting on the floor in her classroom. Before she could even be horrified, her teacher grabbed a pitcher of water and dumped it right on her. “I’m so sorry!” her teacher said. “I’m sorry you’ll have to change your clothes now- I should have been more careful!”
And so, in that, she taught me a little bit of the magic. Be ready. In an instant you might be required to do a good deed that will touch a life. 
Ask yourself often, “Did I bring my pitcher of water?”

Happy New Year from Ducky Shincrackers