Sunday, July 31, 2011

DUCKY SAYS: Buy American!

When you think of 'Made in America' do you conjure images of less-than-stylish clothing and designs lacking panache? You're not alone. Yet it's becoming more and more evident that buying American makes a difference. Let's face it- we need the money! Here's a list of stylish and surprising things Made in the Good Old US of A.
Vane & Joya Solid Perfume Brooches. Brooklyn

Alexa Pulitzer Paper. New Orleans 

Gordon & Smith Surfboards. California
Smith's Rosebud Salve. Maryland
Alternative Earth Apparel. Venice Beach
Weber Grill. Illinois
Hanky Panky Panties. New York
Duck Brand Duct Tape. Ohio
Pendleton. Oregon 
Baker Creek Seed Co. Missouri
Chas. C. Hart Seed Co. Connecticut
Burt's Bees. North Carolina

James Fralinger Taffy. Atlantic City
Essie Nail Polish. New Jersey

Homer Laughlin Fiestaware. Ohio
Longhorn Jeans. Arizona

Kitchen Aid. Michigan
American Apparel Clothing. Los Angeles
A&B Milling Co. Nuts. North Carolina